The Choices you make...

Monday, January 11, 2010

The nutri-grain ad starts with the tag line - "one good decision can lead to another"
It shows two days of poor eating habits like donuts-chinese-too much coffee-pint of icecream for dinner. And one day begins with nutri-grain, moves to salad and so forth, winds up with brushing teeth.

I cannot but agree more to the tag line, which was catchy and apt. I have often noticed this in my daily routine, when i begin it on a healthy note.

Recently mithra mentioned the NYtimes article on the time of the day for exercise. I can easily switch from morning to night person or vice-versa; but personally i prefer being a morning person and practice being one. Hence my exercise routine has stuck to wee hours (between 6 and 8) of morning, whether it is suryanamskarams or wii active or jogging outdoors. If I miss the golden hour, I miss my exercise for the day!

And whenever I begin my day burning modest calories, my decisions for the day stay healthy and gay as well! The inbetween-meals hunger attacks are always satiated with fruits alone. the evening-coffee-craving is automatically absent. Drinking lots of water and green tea after lunch comes naturally!

In the famous book "French women don't get fat" the author advocates one tiny dietary change each day, like choosing a smaller latte and then build the change gradually. 

Go ahead ....

* Pop a fruit in your morning cornflakes
* Replace your oil spoon with a smaller size
* Add another cup of water to your daily intake

So what choice did you make today to get the momentum going! ??


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