Workout in disguise

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ever played Ultimate (Frisbee)??? If not and if you have enjoyed playing Frisbee in India then ultimate is worth a try. I was introduced to Frisbee by my friend who mentioned about his game and was wondering if I cared about playing considering that I am this sports/adventure freak! My image about Frisbee when he used the word F R I S B E E was very close to Fetch since that’s the only version of Frisbee that we are exposed to in India. Least did I know what ultimate meant here and the moment I set foot on the ground, my first reaction – “S*** I am F***ed”! With time I learnt the ins and outs of the game and now I am addicted!! Here goes the game and some tips:

1.Pretty close to American football just that the receiver cannot run once the Frisbee comes into their possession! Alas….or else I could have sprinted!! Jus kidding. ;)

2.Each game lasts for 1.5hours – a total of 13-15 points to be achieved depending on the league you play in (Spring league- 15, Summer league – 13, Fall league – 13)

3.If you love the game and wish to win then you will end up running so much that you would realize it only when every part of your body hurts after the game – Neck to feet! AAAH….The sweet pain of a FUN filled workout.

4.7 players on the field at each time

5.Ideal situation: 4 men and 3 women. However, for ages women have been pretty lame about playing and hence many times you end up with either 5 men and 2 women or 6 men and 1 woman. Sucks, but having 7 players on the field is Mandatory (unless it is one of the nasty Chicago weather days and 50% of the players don’t show up)

6.While on Offense :
a. Disc has to keep moving and cannot stay with one player for more than 10 seconds
b. If a player is unable to throw it to his teammates then game is turned – disc given to the opposition team- I hate it when that happens.
c. Forehand throws are more preferred than backhand throws since the defense team tends to force forehand to screw you up.
d. Once you pass on the disc to your peers… ahead towards the goal , make a cut and help your peer to throw it to you…don’t worry someone else will make the second cut to help you out. And the vicious circle continues until the disc reaches the end zone.
e. It’s a B**** when there is a turnover at the end zone and believe me it happens 90% of the times.
f. If you are person in the end zone make sure you catch the disc or else hell is let loose on you – not really ….Its more like you let hell loose on yourself if you wanted to be the STAR!
g. Enjoy every moment of the game coz if you don’t enjoy you will never play it well.
7. While on defense:
a. One suggestion – Keep your eyes on the person you are guarding and on the disc – sometimes I wonder if having Looking London Talking Tokyo kinda eyes help???
b. Run like a watchdog that has been let loose. That’s what I do to intimidate my opponent…..ARRRRGGGHHHH!!
c. Try your best to be in the path between the disc and your opponent –You have done your job then.
d. Try and guard an opponent who doesn’t believe in running much for that lets you save up your energy for offense!! See my point???

Having said that I think I have covered all the tips that I followed in the 4 leagues I played in. With time and more experience I will fill you guys with more inside news and tips. Until Spring league I let you get mentally prepared to play an ultimate game wherever you are and inspire others too!! Trust me…Its lots of FUN and a workout in disguise.


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